Webflow sync, pageviews & more.

Autogrow Form Input Field by Text


Autogrow Form Input Field by Text


Allow your input form fields to grow based on the content inside of it on your Webflow site with this unique Javascript code.


  1. Set a height on the field in Webflow but not a min or max height
  2. Add the custom Javascript code to the closing body tag
  3. Update the element ID with the element ID of your input field

Javascript snippet

<!-- Add to body close section -->

// Set a height on the field in webflow but not a min and max height

(function(p,d){function g(a,c){return parseInt(a.css(c),10)||0}function l(a){return"border-box"===a.css(v)}function q(a){return l(a)?g(a,"height"):a[0].offsetHeight?a.height():0}function r(a){return g(a,"paddingTop")+g(a,"paddingBottom")+g(a,"borderTopWidth")+g(a,"borderBottomWidth")}function w(a,c,b){var e=0,d=function(){s(e);var d=b||this,h=x.call(arguments);e=y(function(){a.apply(d,h)},c)};d.cancel=function(){s(e)};return d}var s=p.clearTimeout,t="autogrow-measure-"+(""+Math.random()).replace(/[^0-9]/g,
""),x=[].slice,z={}.hasOwnProperty,y=p.setTimeout,m=function(){return{define:function(a,c,b,e){a=d[a];var h=a[c],f=null;h?f=h[b]:h=a[c]={};h[b]="set"===b?function(b,a,c){var d;f&&(d=f(b,a,c));return e(b,a,c)||d}:function(b,a){var c,d;f&&(c=f(b,a));d=e(b,a);return null===d?c:d}},GETTER:"get",SETTER:"set",ATTR:"attrHooks",PROP:"propHooks",VAL:"valHooks"}}(),v=function(){for(var a=["boxSizing","mozBoxSizing","webkitBoxSizing"],c=document.createElement("div").style,b=0;b<a.length;++b)if(a[b]in c)return a[b];
return a[0]}(),A={left:-999999,padding:0,height:1,border:"none",overflow:"hidden",position:"absolute",mozBoxSizing:"content-box",webkitBoxSizing:"content-box",boxSizing:"content-box",pointerEvents:"none"},k="fontWeight fontFamily fontStyle fontSize wordWrap lineHeight wordSpacing letterSpacing textIndent textTransform".split(" "),B=function(){function a(){this.counter=0;this.textarea=d("<textarea>",{tabIndex:-1}).css(A).addClass(t).appendTo("body")}var c=a.prototype;c.isUsedBy=function(b){return d(b).data("autogrow-instance")._measurement===
this.textarea};c.isValid=function(){return 0<this.counter};c.useBy=function(b){this.isUsedBy(b)||(this.counter++,d(b).data("autogrow-instance")._measurement=this.textarea)};c.deuseBy=function(b){if(!this.isValid())return!0;if(!this.isUsedBy(b))return!1;this.counter--;d(b).data("autogrow-instance")._measurement=null;return this.isValid()?!1:(this.textarea.remove(),this.textarea=null,!0)};return a}(),n={cache:{},hashFor:function(a){for(var c="",b=0,e=k.length;b<e;++b)c+=a.css(k[b]);return c},applyTo:function(a){var c=
this.hashFor(a),b=this.cache,e=b[c];e&&e.isValid()||(b[c]=e=new B);e.useBy(a[0])},removeFrom:function(a){var c=this.hashFor(a),b=this.cache,e=b[c];if(e&&e.isUsedBy(a[0]))e.deuseBy(a[0])&&delete b[c];else for(var d in b)z.call(b,d)&&(e=b[d],e.deuseBy(a[0])&&delete b[d])}},u=function(){function a(b){this._elem=d(b);this._measurement=null;this._baseHeight=-1;this._additionalHeight=this._lastHeight=0;this._oninput=w(this._oninput,13,this);this._elem.on("cut.autogrow input.autogrow paste.autogrow mouseup.autogrow keydown.autogrow keyup.autogrow keypress.autogrow",
this._oninput);this._elem.on("destroy.autogrow",d.proxy(this.destroy,this))}var c=a.prototype;c._oninput=function(){if(0>=this._baseHeight){var b=this._elem,a=b[0],c=a.value,d=a.style.height;a.style.height="";a.value="";b=q(b);a.style.height=d;a.value=c;this._baseHeight=b;l(this._elem)?this._additionalHeight=r(this._elem):this._additionalHeight=0}0<this._baseHeight&&(a=this._measureHeight(),a=Math.max(this._baseHeight,a)+this._additionalHeight,a!==this._lastHeight&&(this._lastHeight=a,this._elem.css("height",
a)))};c._measureHeight=function(){this._measurement.css("width",l(this._elem)?g(this._elem,"width"):this._elem[0].offsetWidth?this._elem.width():0).val(this._elem.val()+"MMMM");return this._measurement.prop("scrollHeight")|0};c._refresh=function(){null!=this._measurement&&n.removeFrom(this._elem);n.applyTo(this._elem);for(var a=0;a<k.length;++a)this._measurement.css(k[a],this._elem.css(k[a]));l(this._elem)?this._additionalHeight=r(this._elem):this._additionalHeight=0;this._baseHeight=-1;this._lastHeight=
q(this._elem)};c.refresh=function(){this._refresh()};c.destroy=function(){n.removeFrom(this._elem);this._oninput.cancel();this._elem.removeData("autogrow-instance");this._elem.off(".autogrow");this._elem=null};m.define(m.VAL,"textarea",m.SETTER,function(a,c){if(d.data(a,"autogrow-instance"))return a.value=c,this._oninput(),!0});return a}(),C=d.fn.autogrow,f;f=d.fn.autogrow=function(a){var c=[].slice.call(arguments,1);return this.filter("textarea").each(function(){var b=d(this),e=b.data("autogrow-instance");
b.hasClass(t)||(e||(b.data("autogrow-instance",e=new u(this)),e.refresh()),"string"===typeof a&&("_"!==a.charAt(0)&&"function"===typeof e[a])&&e[a].apply(e,c))})};f.Constructor=u;f.noConflict=function(){d.fn.autogrow=C;return f};f.refresh=function(){d("textarea[data-autogrow]").autogrow()};d(f.refresh);d.ajaxPrefilter(function(a,c,b){(b.complete||b.always)(f.refresh)})})(this,this.jQuery);



CSS snippet

HTML snippet

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