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Can the play, pause, and stop functions of a Lottie animation be controlled through JavaScript calls in Webflow?

Yes, it is possible to control the play, pause, and stop functions of a Lottie animation through JavaScript calls in Webflow.

To achieve this, you will need to take advantage of the Lottie Web Player API, which provides a set of methods to control the playback of a Lottie animation. Here's how you can do it:

1. First, make sure you have added the Lottie animation to your Webflow project. You can do this by dragging and dropping the `.json` Lottie file into your project and adding it to the page using the Lottie component.

2. Give your Lottie animation a unique ID. You can do this by selecting the Lottie component on the canvas and adding a unique class or ID to it in the element settings panel.

3. In your Webflow project, go to the page settings and add a custom code embed before the closing body tag. This is where you will write your JavaScript code to control the Lottie animation.

4. In your JavaScript code, you will need to use the Lottie Web Player API to control the animation. Here's an example of how you can play, pause, and stop the animation using JavaScript:

// Replace "lottieAnimationID" with the ID or class of your Lottie animation element
const animation = lottie.loadAnimation({
container: document.getElementById('lottieAnimationID'),
renderer: 'svg',
loop: true,
autoplay: false,
path: 'your-animation.json' // Replace with the file path to your Lottie JSON file

// Play the animation
function playAnimation() {

// Pause the animation
function pauseAnimation() {

// Stop and reset the animation
function stopAnimation() {
animation.goToAndStop(0, true);

In the above code, replace "lottieAnimationID" with the ID or class of your Lottie animation element. Make sure you also update the `path` property with the correct file path to your Lottie JSON file.

5. Finally, you can trigger the play, pause, and stop functions by calling the respective JavaScript functions. This can be done by adding event listeners or binding the functions to buttons, links, or any other element on the page.

That's it! With this setup, you can use JavaScript calls to control the playback of a Lottie animation in your Webflow project.

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