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How can I fix the issue with long vertical table margins in Webflow when viewing on mobile devices?

  • Set table width to 100% to ensure responsiveness and avoid overflow issues.
  • Reduce vertical padding and margins in table cells to minimize excessive spacing.
  • Consider flexbox or grid for better table responsiveness and wrap in a div block with overflow: scroll.
  • For mobile views, set the container's overflow to Scroll or Auto to prevent unnecessary vertical expansion.

Long vertical margins in tables on mobile devices often occur due to excessive padding, fixed widths, or overflow issues. Here’s how to fix them in Webflow.

1. Adjust Table Width to 100%

  • Select the Table element in the Webflow Designer.
  • Set Width to 100% in the Style Panel, ensuring responsiveness.
  • Avoid fixed pixel widths, as they can cause overflow issues on smaller screens.

2. Control Cell Padding and Margins

  • Select individual table cells (td, th) and check their padding and margin settings.
  • Reduce vertical padding to prevent excessive spacing.
  • Ensure margin values are either zero or a minimal amount.

3. Use Flexbox or Grid for Better Responsive Tables

  • If the table isn’t behaving well in mobile view, consider converting it into a grid or flexbox structure.
  • Wrap the table in a div block and apply overflow: scroll to enable horizontal scrolling instead of forcing large vertical spacing.

4. Enable Overflow Scroll for Mobile Breakpoints

  • In Tablet and Mobile views, select the table wrapper or container.
  • Set Overflow to Scroll or Auto in the Webflow Style Panel.
  • This prevents the table from forcing unnecessary vertical expansion.


To fix long vertical margins in Webflow tables on mobile, set the table width to 100%, adjust padding/margins, use flexbox or grid, and enable overflow scrolling where necessary. These adjustments ensure a responsive and properly formatted table.

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