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Is it possible to play a video in Webflow when a user scrolls and the video is in view?


Yes, it is possible to play a video in Webflow when a user scrolls and the video is in view. One way to achieve this effect is by using Webflow's interactions and custom code.

First, you will need to add the video element to your Webflow project. You can do this by dragging and dropping the HTML5 Video widget onto your page. Make sure to set the video source and other settings as needed.

Next, you can use Webflow's interactions to trigger the video play when the video comes into view. Here's how you can set it up:

1. Select the video element on your canvas and go to the Interactions panel.
2. Add a new scroll trigger by clicking on the "+" button next to Scroll interactions.
3. Choose the scroll trigger that suits your needs. For example, you can use the "While scrolling in view" trigger.
4. Set the desired animation by clicking on the "Add new animation" button.
5. In the animation panel, select the video element and choose "Play" as the action.

Now, when the user scrolls and the video element comes into view, the video will automatically start playing.

If you want more control and customization over the video playback, you can utilize custom code. For instance, you can use libraries like ScrollMagic or Waypoints.js to detect when the video is in view and trigger the play event.

Here's a basic example using ScrollMagic:

1. Add ScrollMagic and GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) to your project by including the respective JavaScript files.
2. Initialize ScrollMagic by creating a new controller:
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
3. Create a scene to monitor the scroll position and trigger the video play action when it enters the desired view:
var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: '.section-with-video',
triggerHook: 0.7, // Adjust this value to determine when the video starts playing
reverse: false
.on('enter', function() {
var video = document.getElementById('my-video'); // Replace 'my-video' with your actual video element ID

In this example, the `section-with-video` class is an element that contains the video element. The `triggerHook` value determines at what point the video starts playing (0.7 means 70% of the element's height from the bottom).

Remember to update the code with the appropriate element and video IDs specific to your project.

By combining Webflow's interactions and custom code, you can create a dynamic and engaging experience where videos play when users scroll and are in view.

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