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The Top 50 Custom Code Webflow cloneables

Webflow custom code embed cloneables that unlock amazing effects with Webflow's custom code embed.

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Featuring 10 different text and typography scroll effects powered by GSAP, ScrollTrigger, Lenis.js, splitting.imin.js and Scrolltype.js. Keep in mind that these effects are great but you will need to have some understanding of code in order to modify these significantly as they rely on simply the JS libraries and data attributes to apply each effect. The first effect rotates the text and highlights each letter as the paragraph comes into view. This is achieved via the data attributes as mentioned previously. The second text effect showcases each letter coming into view from a different rotation and then all combines together to make the visible text. The third effect has each word come in at different positions from out of view and then into view on page scroll. The third version unwraps each word letter by letter as you scroll down the page. The fourth effect takes each letter and has it fold up at random intervals as you scroll into view. The fifth demonstration shows each letter rotating into place upon scrolling into view. The next demonstration creates a rolling hills effect for the letters as you scroll into view. The next one showcases a paragraph in which each letter is grown from the initial position as you scroll down the page. An appear example follows this one in which each letter of a word appears to be blurry and come into focus as you scroll down the page. The next and final variation has each word come in from random directions to create the paragraph.

Background swirl animation via canvas backgrounds in Webflow. This method is created via a custom JS file found in the closing body tag of the page settings. This utilizes the unique javascript text "hack" allowing you to host JS files as text files in Webflow and calling that text file as a script.

A beautiful Swiper.js overlapping cards slider built for Webflow. This Swiper.js slider is perfect for a hero section or features section of a site. When a user navigates between slides the top card is removed and the next card in line comes into view. The cards are stacked with various offsets so it looks like playing cards. There are text transitions for each text associated with the slide. This slider was created using Swiper.js and utilizes Webflow's native CMS collections. This allows you to dynamically generate slides based on the collection list items. This requires custom code so be sure to look at the pages custom code for the Swiper.js code. You can modify the Swiper.js code to include grabcursor, looping, and utilizing arrows to navigate between slides.

Supercharged marquees powered by GSAP. These unlock a whole new level of customization to your marquees via GSAP. The first example showcases two marquees, both on different z-indexes with an image in between both of them so that one marquee is in front of the image and the other is behind it. The next marquee provides a unique vertical marquee that speeds up or slows down as you scroll it into view. The third and final marquee is a horizontal marquee that does the same as the second. As you scroll this marquee into view it speeds up the marquee while the page is scrolling. As mentioned these demos rely upon GSAP and Scrolltrigger to function properly and provide the functionality. You can customize the code from within the custom code page settings.

Not just another vertical CMS marquee, this one is powered by GSAP and provides extra functionality. The vertical marquee provides a constant infinite loop of text. As the word comes into view a second text area updates to showcase the relevant text for the primary looping marquee text. A great example of utilizing GSAP to add increased functionality to an otherwise normal marquee. This also utilizes a bit of CSS so be sure to not overlook that when you are adding this to your site. You can customize the script to your liking and increase or decrease the number of items visible and the speed of the looping.

A 3D Splide.js CMS draggable slider for Webflow. This 3D draggable slider created with Splide.js allows you to integrate Webflow's native CMS solution with Splide.js to create a dynamic and interactive slider with Webflow. The slider features navigation arrows and the ability to drag between each slide item, perfect for desktop or mobile. There's also a 3D effect with the slides entering and exiting the viewport. The Splide.js slider allows you to customize the number of items per page, per move as well as various break point functionality for mobile responsiveness. You're also able to modify the delay, duration and easing in and out. This example is infinite looping so that there's no beginning or end and the users can navigate endlessly between each individual slide that is powered by Webflow CMS.

Integrate GSAP scroll text effects to your Webflow site. Eight different text scroll effects powered by GSAP for your Webflow site. The effects include words sliding up, individual words rotating in, words sliding in from the right, individual letters sliding up, individual letters sliding down, and individual letters fading in. This effect utilizes GSAP, ScrollTrigger and split type in order to work properly, you'll also need to add and modify the pages custom JS code in order for it to work. The code can be modified to change the start offset of the effect, the opacity, the duration, the ease effect and much more. Unlock the power of GSAP for various text effects today in your Webflow projects.

Three different variations of an infinite scrolling marquee driven by completely by Webflow CMS. All you need to do is choose the marquee, use Webflow CMS and you've got an infinite scroll marquee. Three different size variations available in this cloneable. The scrolling marquee is created via CSS, making this easier to implement then Webflow's native interactions, especially when incorporating Webflow's native CMS. You'll find this code within the HTML embed.

A complete Splide.js CMS slider solution for Webflow. Splide.js offers a great solution over Webflow's native slider solution. Lightweight and mobile friendly this slider offers four different designs and implementations, including a Webflow CMS slider solution using Splide.js. This technique does require custom code that you'll find within the page settings, custom code area. Using this solution you can update the number of items per page, the number of items changed per slide, infinite looping, pagination, speed, drag threshold and much more.

A stunning and easy to implement Swiper.js draggable slider created for Webflow. This slider is completely draggable for both desktop and mobile devices, when the next slide is triggered there's a slide in feature that is powered by Webflow interactions. This makes the next card appear to slide in upon being visible. Swiper.js powers the slider and allows for custom functionality such as speed, looping, breakpoints and much more. Keep in mind that this utilizes data attributes to work properly so you will need to update each slides data attributes in order for the Swiper.js functionality to work properly.

Add a typewriter effect to your Webflow site via this Typed.js example. This cloneable showcases the ability to add typed words that appear and then appear to be deleted between each word. The effect utilizes Typed.js and some custom CSS. You can customize the Typed.js typing effect by updating the words, the typespeed, the backspeed, the backdelay, the startdelay, looping, cursor and more all within the custom code found within the page settings. Typed.js has been popular for some time and this cloneable will help you understand how to implement it on your next Webflow project.

A method to create more dynamic and interactive experience by allowing your users to view a simple cursor animation powered by GSAP and Cuberto Mouse Follower. This utilizes custom code so you'll want to make sure you check the pages custom code section for stylesheet and JS code. This combines the power of GSAP and mouse-follower.min.js to create a smooth mouse following animation. With this you can modify the MouseFollower scripts speed, skewing and skewingText functionality to your specifications. Unlock the power of GSAP powered dynamic site elements for your Webflow site today.

A beautiful example of a horizontal slider created with GSAP for Webflow. As the user scrolls through the site it smoothly transitions to a horizontal slider. This slider was built using GSAP & ScrollTrigger.js and you can find the custom code in the page settings. This is not setup to use Webflow CMS although it could be modified if you have an understanding of GSAP and code. The horizontal scroll can be modified to adjust the scaling of the image, rotation and much more. Be sure to check out this horizontal slider if you're looking to implement a GSAP variation on your Webflow site.

Add an infinite horizontal marquee to your Webflow site using only HTML & CSS. Building infinite marquees with Webflow interactions can be difficult and confusing. This solution allows you to easily add a horizontal marquee to your Webflow site using HTML embeds or Webflow's custom code. The infinite marquee is lightweight and allows you to customize the direction, as well as the speed at which the marquee is displayed on your site. Skip the confusing calculations typically required for native Webflow interactions and add an infinite Webflow horizontal marquee to your site in seconds.

A high quality CMS Swiper.js slider that's perfect for your Webflow site. This slider features a draggable list of items driven by Webflow's CMS collections. When the user clicks on one of the items it expands the card into a full screen view and provides additional information about that card. This is perfect for pages in which you want to keep the users on the page but need to provide additional information about that slider item. As mentioned this utilizes but also uses GSAP, CustomEase.js to complete this interaction. The custom code can be found in the page settings and uses cookies to store visited information. This is an advanced slider solution and I'd recommend this only to people familiar with coding, Javascript and GSAP & Swiper.

An excellent example of Swiper.js for Webflow CMS items. This example is perfect for a hero section, or any Webflow slider that wants to be upgraded to utilize Swiper.js. This demo includes scroll interactions, in which each card is changed upon scroll up or down on the mouse and also includes next & previous buttons to navigate between slides. Each slide changes the thumbnail previews of each slide, updates the slide active and slides the text of each slide. The thumbnails and text titles allow you to navigate between each slide as well. This script utilizes Webflow CMS, allowing you to utilize Webflow's CMS items in your native Swiper.js slider. Keep in mind that this utilizes Webflow's custom code section and you'll find the relevant code within Webflow's page custom code settings of this Webflow cloneable.

A unique 3D glassmorphism interaction and animation that utilizes a combination of video, Webflow interactions and Custom CSS. When a user hovers over a card the card rotates and 3D transforms based on Webflow interactions. The technique for the glassmorphism is powered by custom CSS using backdrop-filter blur and image masking. In order for this to work properly you will need to add the custom CSS code with this cloneable. Pay attention to the Webflow interaction that is powering the cards 3D transform techniques. An excellent example of using Webflow interactions, CSS and a little bit of creativity to create glassmorphism 3D cards in Webflow.

A unique GSAP Webflow cloneable in which items expand on hover with a unique transition. In this example there are three vertical columns, when hovering over one of them it expands it into view and closes the other opened vertical column. This is accomplished via GSAP & Flip.js which can be found in the custom code section of the page settings. The code is customizable to target different classes and then adds or removes a class to those other classes. Flip allows you to customize the duration and the easing. In this demonstration there are three videos and three tab divs. Do not get confused that these are normal Webflow tabs as these are just the names of the div. Be sure to check out this use case of using GSAP, Flip.js and Webflow together to create a unique interaction.

A full page Calendar with week/day/month setting and works with Webflow CMS. This full page calendar design relies on custom stylesheet and JS to work so you'll need to copy both the CSS and JS found in the head and closing body tag of the page settings. Please note that this is primarily driven via CSS and thus Webflow's designer becomes rather useless for the design other than the Webflow CMS elements tied to it.

A unique horizontal scrolling technique created for Webflow and built using a combination of Webflow interactions, custom CSS code and jQuery. This allows you to add horizontal scrolling to your Webflow site, this cloneable also features a page loader and a mouse cursor interaction. As you scroll down the page you'll notice the horizontal slider that also features parallax style effects, there's a unique text outline stroke effect. Each section is driven by Webflow CMS which allows you to easily add or remove pages based on your needs and requirements. This was built to work on both mobile and desktop devices making it responsive for any size browser.

A beautiful example of a Splide.js Webflow slider that features a variety of features in a beautiful design. This slider offers navigation buttons (previous/next), fading out of the person image that isn't active, text description fade in on current active item and more. This example utilizes Webflow's native CMS collections which helps make this even more expandable and future proofing for you or your clients. This example also features infinite looping so that no matter the number of slides users can navigate endlessly through the items. With Splide and this example, you can customize a variety of options such as perPage, perMove, focus, the gap between items, arrows, pagination, the speed that the slider changes items, the dragthreshold, rewind speed and individual breakpoint styling effects. Keep in mind there is some custom CSS that you'll need to add as well which can be found in page settings and via an embed.

A smooth and easy to implement jQuery accordion for Webflow. This accordion was built using jQuery rather than manually creating all of the interactions in Webflow. This is perfect if you don't want to mess around with Webflow interactions or aren't comfortable with using interactions. You'll find the custom jQuery code for this accordion within the custom code in the page settings. In this jQuery code you signify the speed of opening the accordion, close all other accordions if another one is opened, activate scroll to top for active item, the offset of that scroll and the delay before being moved to that item. You'll then update your class names based on if you updated them in your designs. Overall this is a clean and easy to use jQuery animated accordion if you aren't someone that wants to utilize Webflow interactions.

Eight different examples of Typed.js typewriter effects perfect for your Webflow projects. The eight variations include a standard simple one, which types the word once and then provides the typing cursor. A looping version in which it retypes the same text over and over again. A multiple text version in which you signify different texts that you'd like for it to type and it cycles through each one. A version without the blinking cursor. One with a custom cursor that's an underscore. Smart backspacing in which deletes only portion of the sentence and then retypes it. A version that fades out after typing the sentence. Typing within an input field, perfect for searches or suggested searches. You'll find the Typed.js code within the sites custom code settings and can be modified to your specifications.

Unleash the power of GSAP Scrolltrigger toggle in your Webflow projects. This allows you to create complex, and yet lightweight effects powered by both GSAP and Scrolltrigger. This CMS powered GSAP & Scrolltrigger effect showcases a hero section in which three different slides transition between each other based on the users position on the page. After the initial hero the second section features different words and images that ease in and out based again on the users position on the page. These sections are utilize Webflow's native CMS to power each slide. You will find the custom code that powers this under the pages custom code settings and it allows for you to customize the items, the trigger element, the timeline and mobile friendly attributes.

A unique demonstration of using GSAP Flip & Scrolltrigger to move a video around the page based on the users page scroll in Webflow. As the user scrolls down the page the video transforms and moves in different locations on the page. It grows, rotates, and shifts locations, becoming the background of a section, moving to the right of a card and following the user throughout the navigation throughout the site. This method requires the custom code found within the custom code section in page settings. Utilizing GSAP, Flip.js and Scrolltrigger.js you can customize the locations and targets based on element IDs. Be sure to check the page design as well since there are custom CSS HTML embeds found on the page as well.

Here's a way to add a count up preloader screen to your Webflow site. This preloader counts up based on the amount loaded to create an adaptive preloading screen that's perfect for any Webflow project. This includes a loading bar/progress bar as well as the percent loaded text field. This technique utilizes GSAP and CustomEase.min.js in order to work properly so you'll need to view the custom code page settings to get the relevant code. This code also checks to see if the user has visited the site previously and creates a cookie if they have not. A simple yet effective way of adding a truly dynamic preloading page that captivates the user as your site is loading.

An advanced demonstration of using Finsweets Attributes CMS Filter using no-code for Webflow. The example includes a search input, sorting, checkboxes, range slider, sorting, drop down, radio buttons and more. A great way to understand the capabilities and advanced filtering options of Attributes CMS filtering.

A unique slider that provides functionality support not found in my other sliders in Webflow. Including responsive, swipe gestures, keyboard arrows. Easy to customize simply copy and paste the slide item to add more items. Place content within the content wrapper. This slider utilizes Slick Carousel to create the slider and thus requires you to add the custom JS code found in the closing body tag.

A beautifully designed, multi-step custom onboarding form perfect for your SaaS, web design or site which requires a multi-step form. This is a complete onboarding form page design that allows for multi-step progress via a bit of Javascript. You will find the necessary JS and CSS files within the pages custom code settings. One set of code allows the form to use the arrows for the next and previous form pages. This form also features a unique range slider which was used for the date. This can be customized to your own requirements but is a well designed, multi-step onboarding form that allows you to break down long questionairres or onboarding forms into small, bite size pieces.

A unique GSAP velocity based interaction demonstration for Webflow. When a user drags the slider the items react based on the velocity of the drag on the slider. A unique interaction that adds a new dynamic layer to a normally static style draggable slider. Take note that this utilizes GSAP and Observer.js to work properly and you'll find the custom code within the custom code page settings. In this you can update the attributes of the velocity such as the velocity, and CLAMP. You can also adjust the rotation amount, duration and easing used. This is a mobile friendly and desktop friendly slider solution that utilizes the power of GSAP and Observer to work with Webflow's native CMS collection lists.

A fun example of the blending feature released by Webflow via a custom mouse cursor. This technique turns the mouse cursor into a blended object, when hovering over the image you can see the blending difference effects. This utilizes some minor custom CSS for the mouse cursor although the true blending and custom cursor is created via native Webflow interactions and features.

A number of different examples of utilizing Countup.js in your Webflow projects. The examples include, currency count up, intervals, scroll and more. The first example loads when the page is loaded, the second example counts up when the item enters viewport, the third item counts up several items at different intervals and finally there's a currency countup that continuously counts up. This requires custom code which you can find in the custom code section of page settings. Each example is commented within the code and allows you to update the target ID as well as the final count number. The second example is the scroll into view option and can be added as shown in the code. There's also a count down example, count up example with a duration and suffix. This is a great cloneable if you plan on adding count up or count down text items to your Webflow site.

Three different stunning Swiper.js carousel sliders built for Webflow. The first variation contains a draggable bar, slider dots to indicate which slide is currently active and slider arrows. The second variation features a dark themed variation of the first version. The third is a larger variation of the other two. These designs are all setup for Webflow's native CMS collection so that they can tie into your preexisting CMS items. As mentioned you will need to add the custom script found in the page settings. With this Swiper.js slider you can customize the looping behavior, slides per view, the slides between groups, space between, mousewheel, the transition speed, mobile responsive break points and its actions. You'll notice that classes are associated with many variables in the code, so be sure to use those or update them to your own.

Add a countdown or launch date timer to your Webflow site with this cloneable. Have an upcoming launch for a product or service? Add a countdown timer via this cloneable and JS snippet. Simply update the JS code with the date and time of your event, match the style and make sure you have the relevant parent element ID and relevant divs setup and you'll have a countdown timer. In this example you can show the days, hours, minutes and seconds till your chosen launch time. This is perfect for any product or service page or events page that has a launch time associated with it.

An implementation of Locomotive.js smooth scroll in Webflow that includes position fixed, sticky and CSS interactions. Utilizing Locomotive.js smooth scroll allows for some unique interactions and scroll effects. You can find the script within the custom code page settings. Here you can modify the smoothing, mobile smoothing, tablet settings and the multiplier applied. You can set the time frame and for the ability to use anchor texts between sections of your site. Add a unique smooth scrolling effect to your Webflow site today by taking advantage of Locomotive.js

Here's a way to add images within text spans in Webflow. This method utilizes Webflow's designer and some custom Javascript to allow you to add images within a text span. The Javascript snippet is used to move each span-element to be a child element of it's corresponding span wrapper element. This allows you to dynamically alter the HTML structure to accomplish this technique.

A creative, yet difficult to implement variation of Webflow accordions that utilizes a combination of position sticky, CSS Grid and the power of mix-blend-mode to create the powerful overlays. This is primarily no-code but does include bits of JS to achieve the link jumps and another one to reset the scroll position when the item has been closed. A few notes is that this doesn't work well in Safari and adding new items means that you need to add more JS in the page settings. Jump links are positioned to absolute elements within each dropdown, so you'll need to add new ones with new IDs for those to work. The interaction animations are really well done, when a user opens and expands an accordion item the title pops to the top of the page and the content comes in from the bottom. It also allows the user to bounce around various sections of each accordion item as previously mentioned.

A set of Scrollify.js section scroll interactions and unique Webflow interactions to make for section scrolling interactions in Webflow. This cloneable features Scrollify.js and the settings can be found within the pages custom code section. Each section has a custom class added in which the scrollify.js script utilizes. Each section utilizes Webflow native interactions Scroll into view in which several different individual actions are applied such as , move, opacity, scale, rotate and opacity. In this example the Scrollify.js script is being used to snap each section on scroll and all of the other interactions are powered by Webflow. While this could have been built with Webflow interactions as well the author decided to use Scrollify to limit the number of interactions per section.

A simple but unique text link hover animation powered by Splittext.js, CSS and custom Javascript. When a user hovers over a text link the letters produce a splitting animation in which every other letter moves in alternating directions. There's also a sound effect that plays that's simple yet effective. This cloneable also features a mouse gesture in which a ball follows the mouse cursor location, when hovering over the text link the ball increases in size and then appears appears to text mask and invert the colors of the text that it's hovering over. If you plan on using this cloneable keep in mind that you'll need to add the custom CSS found in the custom code page settings as well as the Splittype.js script. The splittype.js script can be modified and relies on the css class .menu-link in this example. You can also customize and define the audio files in the script, although keep in mind that you'll want to host these externally. The cursor effect is built with Webflow's native interactions using Mouse click interactions.

A great way to showcase different content in sections based on users page scroll. This cloneable utilizes GSAP and Scrolltrigger in line with Webflow CMS to showcase various content based on when a user scrolls down a page. In this example as the user scrolls the primary image changes to the next image based on the content that's currently visible. This is also hooked up to Webflow CMS in order to power this by your Webflow CMS collection. This opens all sorts of potential use cases aside from the one demonstrated here. You could switch content out instead of images, or even add videos or other GIF files instead of static images. A simple and yet powerful GSAP cloneable that's perfect for your Webflow arsenal.

Add a Vimeo video to the background of your Webflow site with this cloneable. This allows you to run the video as a loop in the background. If you click on the unmute button the video will play from the beginning and the sound will become activated. This allows you to add Vimeo videos to your sites with better flexibility and increased usability. This requires a bit of custom jQuery code and the Vimeo API must be included if you want to utilize Vimeo iFrames. You can find the jQuery and relevant code within the custom code settings of the page. Take note that this also utilizes data attributes and Webflow interactions to work properly.

A unique javascript powered Webflow interaction in which images change on items in viewport and a clicking sound is triggered for each new item that's centered in the viewport. As mentioned this utilizes a custom javascript which is found in the pages custom code section. This script allows you to utilize Webflow's native CMS to create a list of text items and associated images with each CMS item. As the user scrolls down the list of text items, the items that are centered in view become highlighted white, the primary CMS image is shown and a clicking sound is played. A unique and fun way of adding a little bit of JS to your site to create unique, and effective Webflow interactions.

This is a great cloneable if you'd like for your users to stay on a page without navigating to other pages. This AJAX iFrame modal utilizes GSAP to allow users to create iFrames that load via a modal window when a user clicks on a link via the page. This helps keep users on the primary page without the need to navigate to and from pages endlessly. Keep in mind that this technique utilizes prefetching links, which can cause performance issues on large sites. As mentioned this technique is utilizing GSAP and you can find the custom code within the page settings of the Webflow designer. A clean and relatively lightweight solution to allowing iFrame style embeds of your sites own content that loads quickly, thanks to prefetch and the power of GSAP.

Easy to implement looping lightbox via jQuery for Webflow. All you need to do to implement is copy the code from the page settings. Add fo-lightbox class to all lightbox elements. Publish the site to see the results as it won't work in designer. This method utilizes Webflow's native CMS for the images and the custom JS code provided in the closing body tag of the Page Settings.

A custom javascript solution to a CMS stacking slider in Webflow. This custom Javascript CMS driven stacking slider works great, although may be a bit confusing for beginners. It utilizes custom Javascript and utilizes Custom attributes in order to work properly. When a user clicks on the next item, the text description in the header changes and the next image is shown. This requires two different CMS collections, one for the content and one for the images. You'll need to add 2 attributes and 1 HTML embed into the CMS collection for the images and utilize the proper class names. Update the slider navigation buttons and assign the custom attributes. Overall this is a great slider but is tailored to someone familiar with Webflow.

An accordion with Native tabs absolute sidebar navigation for Webflow. This combines the power of the accordion and native Webflow tabs element with some minor custom code for the numbering of each category. Due to this the method will not work for Webflow CMS. Perfect for an online course, learning module or similar style site.

Let's face it, Matter.js is fun! It adds dynamic elements to any site where you can play, throw, and drag items into each other with real like physics. This cloneable features how to utilize Matter.js with SVG bodies. While technically this is easy to accomplish this does require a bit of custom code and HTML embeds, with proper div names to work properly. You can find the custom code for Matter.js and this effect in the Webflow custom code page settings, also take note to the CSS HTML Embed located on the page. This technique uses Matter.js, pathseg.min.js and dcomp.min.js to work properly. This uses element IDs to target the matterContainer and can be further modified to your own specifications. A wonderful example of how to add Matter.js to your Webflow sites in a fairly straight forward manner.

A methodology to create a variable font based on the mouse movement on a Webflow site. This technique relies on custom CSS and JS for this to work which can be found in the HTML embed of the site. A good demonstration of creating dynamic variable fonts in Webflow.

A unique image slider that appears when hovering over items in Webflow. This is perfect for providing a preview of the item that the user may visit next, this could be used for portfolios, about sections, blog posts and much more. When the user hovers over a link an image appears, when the user hovers over the next element the image from the previous item slides up and the current image replaces it. This technique was created with a simple jQuery code snippet which you can find in the custom code of the page settings. You'll want to note that there's also some custom CSS which can be found via the HTML embed. This cloneable was setup to use Webflow collections and does not utilize any custom Webflow interactions.

A unique CSS driven item reveal on hover CMS interaction. Using a simple CSS snippet you can allow for CMS item images to become visible when hovering over a parent item. Simply copy and paste the CSS code to either your custom code page settings or adding it via an HTML embed. When a user hovers over the CMS item an image appears over that specific item. Perfect to showcase additional images and objects that you don't want immediately visible to users but visible upon a hover effect.