The best Webflow cloneables for your Webflow sites. Find what you're looking for faster with instant search.
Another beautifully designed hero section for your Agency site in Webflow. This cloneable features a dark/light toggle, a full screen slider with custom navigation dots along with slide number change animation, and a full screen hamburger menu navigation.
A rotating animation that transforms an image before and after the item scroll in Webflow. This is perfect for before and after effects and can be used without the rotation effect as well. There's also a mouseover interaction that creates a magnetic pull of the image.
An interesting concept of building a FPS via Webflow, doom style game. This uses a rotating 3D box and is positioned as though you were inside of that box. Then added some controls so that it seems that you are moving inside of the box but it's actually the box that gets moved around. A fun demonstration of what's capable with Webflow.
A unique, fancy background hero with text masking effect over a background autoplay video.
Here's a basic example of utilizing Swiper.js for a slider within your Webflow site. Swiper.js is great for adding a draggable slider with a variety of effects within Webflow.
Here's a technique to add IP based geolocation to your Webflow site. This can pull everything from city location, country, IP address, IP timezone, IP latitude and longitude to your site.
A simple and clean example of copy to clipboard functionality via a simple jQuery code. This example also provides a tutorial of how to add this to your Webflow site. This is perfect for creating any type of copy to click text to make it easy for your users to copy and paste any information you like.
A modern, full screen menu with a slide in animation as well as hover over text effects.
Here's a technique of toggling a class based on scroll in Webflow via GSAP. Using this technique you can trigger any class that you'd like, in this example images, as a user scrolls down the page. This technique is using CMS to drive the images and as the user scrolls down the page the class is triggered via GSAP and Scrolltrigger.js. Be sure to add the custom code found within the Page Settings (body and head) in order for this to work properly on your site.
A fun cube particles animation for your Webflow site. The code was tweaked to make it fully responsive and configurable within your Webflow project using attributes. You can edit particle color (HSL format), scale factor for desktop and mobile, particle density, cube perspective, particle spread and particle velocity all within the attributes. Be sure to add the HTML embed to ensure that this works properly.
A demonstration of how to add Cookie Consent to Webflow using Finsweet's Cookie Consent. This cookie consent Webflow cloneable features various designs for cookie consents, including modals, banners, pop-ups and more.
Using Mixitup to combine CMS lists into a single list and add both sorting and filtering to your Webflow site.
Here's a text masking over a video effect in Webflow. This cloneable demonstrates a technique to allow you to clip a background video using text as the screened blending mode. There's also a demonstration using an image rather than a video.
Showcase your Webflow projects and portfolio items within a laptop. This includes videos, animations, and more. This is fully responsive and works with your CMS items so that the videos can change dynamically as needed.
A light interactive Chrome mockup browser window created in Webflow. This mockup window features a number of unique native Webflow features to build a fully interactive Chrome mockup window for your Webflow site. A perfect way to demonstrate product images, product demonstrations and more.
Here's a way of utilizing data/information from Google sheets within your Webflow site using the Javascript v4 API. This allows you to maintain the design of your site within Webflow but use Google sheets as the CMS/backend of the information on your site. Please note that this does not work on the demo on this page but will load when viewing the page itself. You will need to generate your own API key and the google sheet should be the public link of the sheet used in this project demonstration.
Create a seamless page transition for your pages in Webflow. Using just a small snippet of custom code you can allow the page time to complete an exit transition with an intro transition on the new page. Set your links to preload your pages for even faster performance.
Two examples of animated Macbook and Apple animated mockups that are perfect for your Webflow site. Two variations of the Macbook coming into view and then opening as the user scrolls down the page. This uses a combination of Webflow interactions and Lottie files, with videos as the backgrounds for the mockup computers. These animated Mac mockups are perfect for portfolios, demo videos, demo GIFs and much more. A great example of how a simple Webflow interaction combined with Lottie files allows for a truly unique and dynamic animation in Webflow.
A responsive safari mockup built for Webflow. A perfect way to showcase a product demonstration or image in a responsive Safari style window. This Apple Safari mockup window is a light version rather than a dark version.
Here's a way of creating a parallax hero image on page scroll in Webflow. As you scroll down the hero section a layered effect occurs with the landscape image. A great way of adding depth to a Webflow site that intrigues the user as they scroll down the page.
A simple and clean Hero section for a Webflow site that features content on the left and a large lottie hero image on the right. A perfect lightweight and clean Hero design perfect for any SaaS or tech company. The Hero section has a bold statement, two buttons and a large demonstration Lottie image. The design is fully responsive and can be used used to add a hero section to your Webflow sites landing page in seconds. This also uses Webflow's interactions for a unique logo animation on page load. This cloneable does not use any custom code or HTML embeds so adding to your site is super simple.
An interactive sky background for your Webflow site using three.js and vanta.js. When a user interacts with the page it feels like you're flying through a set of clouds. A perfect way of adding depth and interactive nature to your Webflow site.
A demonstration of creating a reflecting WebGL three.js cube in Webflow. This creates a reflecting 3D cube that's interactive when clicked and dragged creating a 3D style effect. Moving the mouse on the site moves the cube to different areas of the page.
Here's a way to showcase several different slides transitioning per click. This is achieved via micro interactions for the previous and next buttons. The interaction for the arrows was created in After Effects and custom code was utilized to trigger multiple slide changes at once.
Using a combination of lottie, svg and Webflow interactions you can add this head that follows the cursor and mouse on your site.
A fun and unique way of adding scroll interactions to your Webflow site. It is slightly difficult to edit the contents of the slides, however you could make these CMS items to make it easier to edit the content within each slide.
Here's a technique to autoplay videos on horizontal scroll in Webflow. Using the power of Youtube APIs, window scroll events and the power of Webflow interactions you're able to now create horizontal scroll animations in which videos are automatically played or paused on scroll events. There's also a delay on the play function to add a bit of an intro animation to each video by mixing the scroll into view interactions.
Add drag and drop list functionality to your Webflow site with this javascript library. This uses Sortable.js to create sortable lists within Webflow. Perfect for to-dos, sorting, and other functionality that may be needed for your Webflow site.
Here's a great style guide template that you can clone to use, or modify for your own Webflow sites. It's built with a grid page and bootstraps 4 style columns. It includes a typography section, color palettes, button designs, form inputs and labels including checkboxes and radio buttons. Cards with shadows and much more.
Here's a unique way to show off your team cards on your Webflow site. When you hover over a card a social media panel appears on the right hand side. The dots are color coded to match the brand color of the social media platform. You can place text or icons inside of these dots as well. On the hover a panel appears with the brand color and a large social media icon. The image rotates -10 degrees to 10 degrees on hover. The animation is pretty straight forward. The only thing to note is that the dots had to placed in the same wrapper so that when you hover over the dots you could target a sibling element within the interaction. This allowed to make sure that the effect could be repeated across multiple cards by targeting the sibling classes of the dots.
A 100% native Webflow tooltips solution. Most tooltips utilize third party JS libraries to add tool tips to Webflow. These tooltips are created 100% with Webflow dropdowns to create a unique solution to creating tooltips within Webflow.
Now you can utilize a rich text editor for Webflow forms via a little bit of custom code and JS. Easily add this functionality to your Webflow site to make even richer forms.
A huge selection of premade Webflow animations, including animated buttons, click buttons, circular hover buttons, scroll down animations, nav link animations, tab animations, search bars, social media buttons, text animations, contact cards, blog cards, product cards and more.
Here's a way to create an age gated pop up modal in Webflow. Using the power of cookies you can now gate your content/site with a age date requirement. The code in the settings takes the submission of the month, day and year of the persons birthday and calculates their age against todays date. If they validate that they are over 18, then a cookie will be added to their browser and the pop up modal will be hidden from them until they clear their cookies. If they are not over 18 then they are redirected from your site.
Add a typewriter effect to your Webflow site via this Typed.js example. This cloneable showcases the ability to add typed words that appear and then appear to be deleted between each word. The effect utilizes Typed.js and some custom CSS. You can customize the Typed.js typing effect by updating the words, the typespeed, the backspeed, the backdelay, the startdelay, looping, cursor and more all within the custom code found within the page settings. Typed.js has been popular for some time and this cloneable will help you understand how to implement it on your next Webflow project.
Here's a well designed checkbox with an interaction animation. A perfect way of adding a unique checkbox design to your Webflow sites with a fading animation.
An interactive pop up modal for Webflow. This pop up modal includes close interactions, close on outside click as well as is fully responsive.
A geometric pattern design with hover animations created in Webflow. This technique and demonstration was created completely with Webflow's native designer and requires no additional codes or scripts to work properly. Using a bit of creativity and patience a few skew tranforms can build a seamlessly endless geometric pattern. Add in some border animations and you've got a fun, fully interactive geometric pattern in Webflow.
Hatch is a utility framework/UI kit that is made up of 2,200 low-level utility classes, allowing you to get started on your Webflow sites faster. From font sizing to spacing scales based on responsiveness. The documentation for each class can be found here:
Another way of adding unique interactions and animations to the menu loading of your navbar. This demo showcases a grid menu animation on click. The menu wrapper consists of 2 grids, one 3x3 and another smaller 4x8 nested grid on the lower left corner. The panels scale from the bottom to the top and left to the right on click. The text also appears staggered motion from bottom to top. On close the text fades out and moves back down, and the menu panels scale back to 0 in a staggered way.
Build a multi-step estimator calculator for your Webflow site. This is perfect for unique pricing pages, contact forms, and internal tools for your team.
Easily add a tooltip to your Webflow site with one of three different premade designs. These tooltips come in three different variations and include the necessary interactions required. The tooltips feature every possible direction needed, from left tooltips, right tooltips, top tooltips and bottom tooltips.
The Mast CSS framework is one of our favorite Webflow frameworks. It's based on a developer first mentality and features essential classes and strategies to help you build efficient Webflow sites. It's built with the less is more mentality, less classes, less elements to maintain which means faster sites and less development time. This framework allows you to quickly build anything from scratch by utilizing an essential set of HTML and CSS building blocks. Get up and running quickly with the Styleguide that features typography, heading classes, body text classes for paragraph, eyebrow text elements, ordered lists, unordered lists, color swatches, text colors, components such as buttons (primary, secondary, text links, form fields with radios and checkboxes, cards, utility classes, padding, alignment, overflow, size, helpers, layout, grids, columns and other helpful items.
An advanced jQuery card hover interaction for Webflow. When users hover over the cards they expand and grow and feature a unique mouse hover over interaction in which the icons shift while hovering in a specific card. The background colors change and the buttons transform into a different call to action button. This is a fully responsive interaction and requires a bit of custom code to implement. To get this to work copy the section-end-cta and copy the code found in the closing body tag on the homepage.
This creates a 3D folding technique to a Webflow page on scroll down. Perfect for creating some 3D depth to your Webflow site and adding unique interactions and animations.
Here's a login or sign up page with slider in Webflow. A wonderfully designed sign up or log in page designed in Webflow with an automated slider. This can help jump start your Webflow projects and provide key pages for sign up and login. With custom input form fields with needed states, and error checking.
A tiny vanilla JS clock, modify using attribute and can be configured with time zones for Webflow. This technique is powered by Clock.js and utilizes Webflow's native custom attributes to determine each countries current time. This allows you to modify the timezone by simply adjusting the Webflow custom attributes for the text content to update the clock based on the timezone you require.
Here's a way of adding a flipping card animation to cards on your site. This component can be used for a number of scenarios and allows for additional information to be displayed on your cards without taking up important site real estate.
Here's an inverted text masking marquee interaction for your Webflow site. The text changes color depending on the background. This is a simple HTML embed so you can easily move it around your Webflow site. You can change both the color of the text and the background. This is currently set to Body so you can change the class ID.
A unique GSAP Webflow cloneable in which items expand on hover with a unique transition. In this example there are three vertical columns, when hovering over one of them it expands it into view and closes the other opened vertical column. This is accomplished via GSAP & Flip.js which can be found in the custom code section of the page settings. The code is customizable to target different classes and then adds or removes a class to those other classes. Flip allows you to customize the duration and the easing. In this demonstration there are three videos and three tab divs. Do not get confused that these are normal Webflow tabs as these are just the names of the div. Be sure to check out this use case of using GSAP, Flip.js and Webflow together to create a unique interaction.
Here's a unique way of adding count up odometers to your Webflow site via Hubspots odometer library. This cloneable includes several features, count up by 1 in a fixed interval, trigger odometer via GSAP Scrolltrigger, currency options, interval increase by own value, interval increment with a randomly generated number in a range, show numbers on a button click and a tutorial of how to make it work.
A demonstration of using Sketch.js for a background interaction within Webflow. Using sketch.js the background of your Webflow site becomes a drawing canvas in which users can move their mouse and it creates a design on the background of the Webflow site.
Advanced pricing table that provides a loading bar indicator for individual features. Includes hover interactions, animated bars, sticky header and much more. This also is mobile ready although be careful about hidden columns.
A full UI kit that contains over 40+ different cloneable components and offers a solid base for any Webflow site. The components include hero sections, portfolio sections, content sections, team sections, blog, CTA, FAQ, buttons and footers.
A stunning background animation that's interactive and provides a glassmorphism design via Three.js for Webflow. This interactive, twisting sphere can be dragged and rotated anywhere. Playing with the settings, especially phase, will produce colorful and unique results.
Here's a fun text effect in which the text fades away on mouse hover in Webflow. A great way to add a dynamic animation interaction to your Webflow site.
An interactive accordion design for your Webflow site. This design is a full width accordion built with all necessary open and close interactions as well as a custom mouse cursor design.
A beautiful example of a Splide.js Webflow slider that features a variety of features in a beautiful design. This slider offers navigation buttons (previous/next), fading out of the person image that isn't active, text description fade in on current active item and more. This example utilizes Webflow's native CMS collections which helps make this even more expandable and future proofing for you or your clients. This example also features infinite looping so that no matter the number of slides users can navigate endlessly through the items. With Splide and this example, you can customize a variety of options such as perPage, perMove, focus, the gap between items, arrows, pagination, the speed that the slider changes items, the dragthreshold, rewind speed and individual breakpoint styling effects. Keep in mind there is some custom CSS that you'll need to add as well which can be found in page settings and via an embed.
A very cool scrolling spiral menu text effect. Opens up a fun opportunity for a unique full screen menu build.
An exploding text particles animation using Three.js in Webflow. A good demonstration of how to add Three.js to your Webflow site. In this cloneable the text begins to morph and explode as you move the cursor over it. Please note that this uses custom code found in the head and closing body tags of the page settings.
Here's a technique to add a rotating images on page scroll via Webflow interactions. This adds a dynamic feeling to your site as your users scroll down on your Webflow site the images rotate around the page.
A method to highlight text on page scroll in Webflow. A unique a fun interaction in which the text on the page begins to highlight as you scroll down the page. Each letter even partially highlights depending on where you've scrolled on the page. This effect uses GSAP and Scrolltrigger.js to create the effect. You'll need to add the custom code found on page settings for this to work properly.
Want to liven up the videos on your Webflow site? With this cloneable you'll be able to feature three, full page videos with a unique animation effect. Perfect for portfolio pages, heros or pages that you need to feature more than one video in a dynamic and interactive way.
Here's a fade and rotate page transition for your Webflow site. This transition occurs using a small snippet of custom code that allows the transition to happen.
Integrate GSAP scroll text effects to your Webflow site. Eight different text scroll effects powered by GSAP for your Webflow site. The effects include words sliding up, individual words rotating in, words sliding in from the right, individual letters sliding up, individual letters sliding down, and individual letters fading in. This effect utilizes GSAP, ScrollTrigger and split type in order to work properly, you'll also need to add and modify the pages custom JS code in order for it to work. The code can be modified to change the start offset of the effect, the opacity, the duration, the ease effect and much more. Unlock the power of GSAP for various text effects today in your Webflow projects.
Here's a way to add a custom, social media sharing hover interaction to your Webflow site. When a user hovers over the icon on the page a social media sharing interaction is triggered that displays 4 different social media sharing sites.
A fully dynamic hero slider that's responsive and includes a vertical slider that switches out the primary heros image. This was built entirely with Webflow, some CSS and Webflow's native interactions. At the top you'll notice a horizontal marquee, this is powered by custom CSS which you'll find via an HTML embed. You'll also notice an extensive use of Webflow native sliders and a variety of individual interactions for each slide change associated with each and every slider. A very extensive use of Webflow sliders and interactions. This hero slider does not use custom code within the page settings so you'll want to dive into the HTML embed and then the Webflow interactions which make this entire thing possible.
A fun login and sign up page for Webflow featuring a unique cartoon character that follows your mouse cursor. This is accomplished via 100% native Webflow interactions. The SVG was broken up into several parts, and added a hover over element interaction to the background and hover/in out interactions to the email, password and login fields. The rotating head effect is created by moving close-up elements slightly more than the background elements. For example, the nose moves 11px to the left or right, while the mouth only moves 9px and the face moves 6px while the body doesn't move at all.
An excellent way of adding a customer review/social proof CMS component to your Webflow site. These reviews work perfectly with Webflow's native CMS and is also responsive and mobile friendly.
An example of how to use Scrollify.js when you want partial height sections rather than full viewport height sections. View the full tutorial here:
How about a 3D interactive iPad mockup in Webflow? Here's a way to add an interactive, 3D iPad mockup to your site.
Add a monthly and yearly annual toggle pricing page to your Webflow site. This predesigned pricing table is built with the relevant toggle interactions to add an annual and monthly pricing table to your Webflow project.
A free membership splitscreen signup page for Webflow. This cloneable features a sign up page with all of the necessary elements you'd need to create a perfect sign up page in Webflow. This includes sign in with Google buttons, Facebook, first name field, last name, email and password. Each input field has unique states (hover/active/selected) and the entire page is well designed and laid out.
Add a custom cursor of your choosing to your Webflow site. This allows you to add a custom cursor and you don't need to add interactions to each link in your site as well as the hover effect when the cursor moves off the page.
Dark mode toggle for Webflow driven by a cookie so that it remembers your users settings on whether or not they want dark mode or light mode on your next visit.
Here's an example of a 360 degree image showcase featuring Nike Air Jordan 1 Retro High Spider-Man origin story. Please note that this example only works on desktop currently.
A unique way of showcasing your logo front and center and have it move up on page scroll in Webflow. This adds a fun dynamic element to your Webflow site and draws the users attention in. This interaction was created entirely from Webflow's native interactions using the While page is scrolling functionality and size, move, scale, opacity and more. This requires no additional custom code and can be cloned and setup quickly.
Add a pause/play button to your sites background video in Webflow.
A unique interaction in which a different image is shown based on the cursor location on the Webflow site. This effect was created entirely from Webflow's native interactions and requires no custom code. A great example of thinking outside of the box, integrating the use of a grid design to trigger the hidden images based on mouse over trigger events.
A simple yet effective way of adding a countdown timer and clock to Webflow. This example utilizes some custom code and Webflow's native CMS to create a count down timer clock on your Webflow site.
Here's a fun demonstration of creating a 3D layered interactive page for Webflow. When you move the cursor around the page the elements move around the page.
This is a unique interaction in which images reverse movement based on mouse location in Webflow. There are two images facing opposite directions on both sides of the screen. When ou move your mouse on the x axis the images get further and closer apart. It's a very simple effect but can be modified to create endless opportunities. This used two identical images to save on load time and one was flipped horizontally on the y axis. Both images are set to overflow hidden. Then in interactions a mouse move in viewport interaction was applied to both images and they move on the x-axis.
A fun Webflow interaction that follows a users mouse as it navigates over a grid in Webflow. The arrow follows the direction of the mouse as it enters the viewport using Webflow's native interactions. The size of each grid item also increases or decreases based on the position of the mouse on the individual items and grid overall. A great example of what you can build with Webflow's native interactions.
Here's a way to add a glitch on hover effect to divs/cards that have images inside of it within Webflow. A fun way of adding a dynamic glitching effect to your Webflow site.
A simple pricing table with a three column design for Webflow. This simple pricing table features a blue design with gradients, animated circles background, and a primary pricing package with features options.
Looking to create a rotating text effect for your headline and hero section? Here's an easy way to add this effect to your Webflow site. This also works in the preview/designer via a custom HTML code embed.
A demonstration of how to add an infinity cycle text header rotation with 3D style changes in Webflow. This technique uses native Webflow interactions and does not require any 3rd party scripts or plugins to work properly.
An analog clock built from CSS & JS in Webflow. The design is built from divs, while javascript and CSS drives the analogue movements of the clock hours and hands.
Here is a unique project flipping card animation for Webflow. In this example the cards flip 180° upon clicking on the card, the card also has a hover over animation in which the stars scale in and out behind the image. On the mouse move the image moves around the card. For the stars a 6x8 grid of 50x50 blocks were created and added within two div blocks inside the cross. In the interactions they are set to rotate, scale and loop on hover. On hover out the crosses go back to the original size and stop rotating. For the image moving there is a mouse move over element interaction and moved the image 20px to each side as the mouse moves around the card. On click the card flips via a rotation to the card, so it was placed in a 3D wrapper and added child perspective to it.
Add a stacking slider as inspired by This adds a fun, 3D effect to your sliders that transitions and moves the cards forward, and to the back upon next slide.
A template on how to use Auth0 and Webflow to create gated client-side content.
Here's a way to achieve a unique hero section using grid and the Wizardry method in Webflow.
An implementation of Locomotive.js smooth scroll in Webflow that includes position fixed, sticky and CSS interactions. Utilizing Locomotive.js smooth scroll allows for some unique interactions and scroll effects. You can find the script within the custom code page settings. Here you can modify the smoothing, mobile smoothing, tablet settings and the multiplier applied. You can set the time frame and for the ability to use anchor texts between sections of your site. Add a unique smooth scrolling effect to your Webflow site today by taking advantage of Locomotive.js
Add a liquid metal background animation to your Webflow site via WebGL. Please note that this example relies heavily on scripts and custom code so you'll need to add the custom code found within the page settings.
Here's a way to add notched/slanted buttons in Webflow. Using custom code you're now able to create a custom notched button by simply adding a subclass to your button. This code can also be modified to create notched blocks on other objects than just buttons.