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How can I improve the usability of my website in Safari on Webflow?

To improve your Webflow site's usability in Safari, follow these steps:

1. Fix Flexbox and Grid Issues

Safari may render Flexbox and Grid differently than Chrome.

  • Avoid min-height: auto on flex containers.
  • Use gap instead of margin for Grid spacing.

2. Ensure Proper Font Rendering

Safari can display web fonts differently.

  • Use system fonts when possible.
  • Adjust -webkit-font-smoothing for better clarity.

3. Optimize Sticky and Fixed Elements

Safari handles position: sticky inconsistently.

  • Ensure parent containers have overflow: visible.
  • Test fixed elements for unexpected behavior.

4. Handle SVG and Image Loading

SVGs may not scale properly in Safari.

  • Set explicit width/height properties.
  • Use PNGs/WebP for better compatibility.

5. Fix Custom Interactions and Animations

Some Webflow interactions might not work as expected.

  • Check will-change properties to avoid flickering.
  • Reduce reliance on transform: scale() for hover effects.

6. Ensure Scroll Behavior Consistency

Safari may not support scroll-behavior: smooth natively.

  • Use JavaScript fallback for smooth scrolling if necessary.

7. Test Forms and Inputs

Safari applies default styles to form elements.

  • Use -webkit-appearance: none; on custom input styles.
  • Ensure accessibility by testing elements in VoiceOver.

Final Tip

Test your Webflow site regularly in Safari, including mobile, to catch inconsistencies early.

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