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How can I create a Category Collection Page in Webflow that only displays articles related to a specific category, without affecting other category pages?


To create a Category Collection Page in Webflow that only displays articles related to a specific category, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a Collection in Webflow: Start by creating a Collection to store all your articles. Each article should have a field that allows you to categorize it, such as a multi-reference field or a plain text field for categories. Make sure to add all the necessary fields for your articles, such as title, content, featured image, etc.

2. Design your Category Collection Page: Next, design the layout for your Category Collection Page. You can use the Webflow Designer to create a customized page with any elements you want, such as heading, paragraph, blog cards, etc. This page will act as a template for all your category pages.

3. Set up Dynamic List: Drag and drop a Dynamic List element onto your Category Collection Page. This element will display the list of articles based on the selected category. Connect it to your articles Collection, and apply any filters necessary to only show the articles with the selected category.

4. Add Category Filter: To allow users to select a specific category, you can add a filter system using either buttons, dropdowns, or any other element you prefer. Each filter option should be connected to a specific category value in your Collection. When a user selects a category, it should trigger the Dynamic List to update and display the articles associated with that category.

5. Link to Category Pages: To make your website user-friendly, create navigation links to each of your category pages. You can use the built-in Webflow Navbar or manually create navigation links to direct users to each category page. Each category link should go to the respective Category Collection Page and pass the category parameter in the URL.

6. Style and finalize: Lastly, make any necessary style adjustments to your Category Collection Page to ensure coherence with the rest of your website. You can also consider adding pagination or sorting options to enhance the user experience further.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create Category Collection Pages in Webflow that display articles related to specific categories without affecting other category pages. Users will have the ability to explore articles within a particular category and navigate between different categories seamlessly.

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