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Why don't tabs in Webflow behave like normal elements with flexbox or grid? How can I disable any preset CSS properties causing this issue?


Webflow's Tabs component has built-in styles and behaviors that can interfere with normal layout settings like Flexbox or Grid. These default styles ensure tabs function correctly but may conflict with custom positioning and alignment. To modify this behavior, you need to override Webflow’s preset CSS properties manually.

1. Identify Webflow’s Default Tab Styles

  • Webflow applies display: flex and overflow: hidden to w-tab-menu and w-tab-content.
  • The .w-tab-content element also has position: relative and display: block, which can interfere with Grid/Flexbox layouts.
  • Webflow uses JavaScript to control tab visibility, dynamically applying w--tab-active to the selected tab.

2. Override Webflow’s Default Tab Styles

  • Set display: flex or display: grid on desired elements instead of w-tab-content. Place Flex/Grid settings on a parent div instead.
  • Manually remove any conflicting styles. Try adding custom CSS in Project Settings → Custom Code:
    .w-tab-content { display: flex !important; }
  • Avoid using Webflow’s built-in interaction styles for the tab system if they interfere with your layout.

3. Prevent JavaScript Overriding Your Layout

  • Webflow dynamically applies inline styles like display: none to non-active tab panes. If this causes layout issues:
  • Wrap each tab pane inside another div and control styling on the wrapper instead.
  • Use JavaScript to override the inline styles Webflow applies:
    document.querySelectorAll('.w-tab-content').forEach(el => {
    el.style.display = 'flex'; // or 'grid' based on your need

4. Alternative: Use a Custom Tabs System

  • If Webflow’s built-in tab structure is too restrictive, manually create a tab system with buttons and Interactions (IX2) instead of the default Tabs component.
  • Use Click interactions with Show/Hide to toggle different sections instead of relying on Webflow’s default tab logic.


Webflow's Tabs use preset CSS and JavaScript that can conflict with Flexbox and Grid layouts. To fix this, override w-tab-content styles, prevent JavaScript interference, or use a custom tab system instead.

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