Native Webflow interaction cloneables that utilize Webflow interactions to make your sites pop.
A custom product display using accordions in Webflow. This product display for Webflow is built with Webflow's native builder and utilizes an accordion like effect with Webflow's native interactions. Each card when clicked explands to show additional product information including a an image, title, product description and price.
Tabs can be a pain to create in Webflow. With this cloneable you can get started building your tabs faster and built on top of the client first system by Finsweet. A perfect way to add tabs to Webflow quickly and easily.
Here's a way of adding a custom cursor to your Webflow site via interactions and one line of CSS code.
Here's a way to create a mouse tracking text effect in Webflow. When a user moves their mouse around the page the text is manipulated based on its location on the page.
A way of adding a slider before and after scroll reveal. This was a clone from Udesly.
A fun login and sign up page for Webflow featuring a unique cartoon character that follows your mouse cursor. This is accomplished via 100% native Webflow interactions. The SVG was broken up into several parts, and added a hover over element interaction to the background and hover/in out interactions to the email, password and login fields. The rotating head effect is created by moving close-up elements slightly more than the background elements. For example, the nose moves 11px to the left or right, while the mouth only moves 9px and the face moves 6px while the body doesn't move at all.
A fun, book and page flipping interaction in Webflow. Please note that while a majority of the page designs are created with Webflow interactions there is some custom code found in the page settings to get this to work properly.
A fun scroll and rotate portfolio page interaction with outline text for Webflow. When the user moves his mouse on the page the text rotates and different portfolio items come into view. A great way to add dynamic interactions to a portfolio page on your site.
Here's an example of displaying information on card hover animation for Webflow. When hovering over the image card the title, author and view project button appears from the upper left of the image. The effect was achieved by placing a div block inside of the card wrapper. In the interactions the div block was set to an opacity of 0% initially. On hover the div block moves to the lower right and the opacity changes to 100%. On hover out the div block returns to its original position and the opacity changes to 0%
A slick split hero slider design with unique slider transitions that rotate both half of the pages in different directions upon each slide. Perfect for a unique hero section in Webflow that allows for an eye catching and dynamic hero slider section.
Add a hover slider style interaction animation to your site for revealing an image, or div content.
A product card that displays the title on hover and follows the mouse in Webflow. This interaction is a very well designed interaction that flips the image and provides the title on mouse hover. The title then follows the mouse cursor over each card, displaying the relevant product names title.
A like button that allows the users to take notice when they give some love on your site. When a user clicks the like button the heart begins to fill up and the like count increases. The like count can be added to local storage or synced to a database.
A unique way of displaying a falling leaf via scrolling interactions with Webflow. This was not built with any lottie animations however was built entirely from one large Webflow native interaction via the While page is scrolling functionality. The leaf sits within an invisible circular track that rotates and guides the direction of the leaf. A great example of what's possible to achieve via Webflow's native interactions and a bit of ingenuity.
Interactive and inline 3D icons built with Spline and Three.js. A perfect way of creating interactive inline customized icons built with Spline and powered by Three.js
A fun way of upgrading your portfolio section by having a vertical scroll interaction.
Here's a fun, mouse hover effect that creates a shimmer/halo on the 3D card when the cursor hovers on it in Webflow.
Add a dynamic indicator to let your users know how far down the page they've scrolled via this interaction on your Webflow site.
A fancy scrolling interaction to showcase your work in Webflow. This cloneable uses Webflow's native CMS and the power of Webflow interactions to create a smooth scrolling interaction in which each slide is a different section. Upon scrolling the images move in smoothly and the headline and description appear. This is a rather extensive interaction as it deals with scroll actions and scale, opacity, move based on the location of the page.
A right side menu for Webflow that slides the menu in from the right hand side on click. This menu features all of the interactions required to create a Webflow menu. When the user clicks on the hamburger button the menu slides in from the right part way on the screen. There's a menu item hover interaction which has a highlight effect that grows on hover and then fades out on hover out.
A fun interaction that moves images/divs based on the mouse movement on the Webflow page. A great way of adding a parallax style mouse movement interaction to a Webflow site.
A glass bar navigation design for Webflow. This micro interaction for a glass navigation bar design with hover over interactions is a great way to add social media sharing buttons to your Webflow site.
Three different unique menu nav bar designs for Webflow. The three designs feature unique hover dropdowns, buttons and designs for your Webflow site.
A dynamic info card hover interaction for Webflow. When a user hovers over the card a box moves from the title and displays a description while the image changes to color. A wonderful interaction that adds a level of animation and interaction to an info card.
Build a dynamic and interactive photography hero section in Webflow easily. The hero section features a 12 slider layout with slides moving in and out in opposite directions, a modern page load animation and a full screen menu design.
An experiment using a scroll effect, Lottiefiles and Webflow interactions and the simplest building blocks. A full description of how the effect is achieved so that you can easily replicate it yourself. The entire effect is created via Scroll Actions interactions and the location of the windows page scroll. The lottie files are then triggered by the percentage of the page scrolled with a "static" 100vh window.
Freelance user experience consultant and web designer. Available for custom Webflow sites, as well as UX design, research and prototyping.
A fun way of creating a 3D animated menu in Webflow. Creating a 3D perspective effect when expanding the hamburger menu. This is a simple, yet effective way, to break out of the typical menu design.
Here's an example of a menu with a slide in interaction and that features a background video for the menu. A fun interaction that adds some depth and liveliness to your Webflow site.
An automatic timezone clock for cities around the world in Webflow. This shows the current local time for your city and then keeps it up to date every 60 seconds. Custom CSS was used for the blinking effect on the clock. Here's how it works. It uses the data attributes to define the timezone. Custom code is then used to display the local time of your city. There are separate colors for open, evening and closed office hours. These can be styled through their respective classes however you'd like. Find your timezone via The location row element contains the data-timezone attribute, change that to your timezone. Everything else will auto update.
Here's a technique demonstrating spinning, 3D circle divs based on mouse movements via Webflow native interactions.
Easily add a tooltip to your Webflow site with one of three different premade designs. These tooltips come in three different variations and include the necessary interactions required. The tooltips feature every possible direction needed, from left tooltips, right tooltips, top tooltips and bottom tooltips.
A simple, interactive scroll text mask technique for Webflow. As the user scrolls down the text moves in separate directions created through a Webflow interaction. The text has a masking effect which can be found on the parent Track div. A great example of Webflow's native masking capabilities.
A unique technique to create a text outline via an image mask technique within Webflow.
Here's a way to create a custom homepage with a split and reverse scroll technique in Webflow. When someone scrolls on the page the two sections scroll in opposite directions providing a unique interaction to add uniqueness to your Webflow site.
An inclined, horizontal smooth scroll portfolio section created with the power of Webflow interactions. This technique uses no custom code such as Javascript or CSS to implement on your site. Instead this utilizes Webflow's native interactions taking advantage of the While scrolling in view. As the page is scrolled down the interaction moves the cards from right to left. The incline is achieved by utilizing 3D transforms on the cards parent div. Each card has a unique hover effect in which the image moves on hovering of each card. This cloneable is perfect for a portfolio section, features section or much more.
An info card for Webflow that features hover over interactions. This free Webflow cloneable features cards with unique hover over interactions. When a use hovers over the card the image turns from black and white to a color gradient overlay and an information block is shown with additional information about the post/card.
Here's a fun technique, using a slider with a hover slider to dynamically change the color of a sites background in Webflow. This was all made with Webflow interactions.
A demonstration of how to create a magnify on hover image effect on Webflow. This is built entirely with interactions and requires no custom code. Please note that this method only works on desktop and will not provide the zoom effect on mobile.
A fully designed black and white hero section for Webflow. This Fintech inspired design features unique button designs and interactions, call to actions, review section, mega menu/navigation and much more. Everything you'd need to get started building a hero section for your homepage.
A great category card hover animation/interaction for Webflow. Adding this effect to your Webflow site creates a custom card animation/interaction effect. When you hover over the card the circle scales up to fill the entire card with a color and then the border color becomes white. The text also becomes white to be more readable on the background color. This effect is achieved by placing an inner circle, circle border, and an icon within a circle wrapper. With interactions the circle scales up, and the border and background circle change color on hover. Each card has a unique and separate mouse out interaction so that it can revert back to the individual cards color.
Five different styles of animated and interactive social media share buttons for Webflow.
Easily calculate the read time of content via this responsive Webflow cloneable readtime calculotor. This is fully responsive and instantly calculates the read time of a text and/or blog post. It requires only a small bit of custom code and the rest of it is accomplished via Webflow. It offers load animations, interactions as well as a light and dark mode feature.
Here's a way of creating a product tour in Webflow utilizing native interactions and custom tool tips. Rather than using complicated external JavaScript libraries you. can build your own guided product tour using a simple tooltip design and Webflow's native interactions.
A beautifully designed implementation of lightbox driven by Webflow CMS. A great way of adding a lightbox to your Webflow site that's powered by Webflow's native CMS.
Enjoy Webflow's loading screen? Now you can add Webflow's circular preloader screen to your Webflow site. This preloader was built using Webflow's native interactions as a demonstration of what you can build with Webflow.
This is a full screen lottie with scroll interaction. A unique way of using page scroll to animate a lottie file.
An advanced jQuery card hover interaction for Webflow. When users hover over the cards they expand and grow and feature a unique mouse hover over interaction in which the icons shift while hovering in a specific card. The background colors change and the buttons transform into a different call to action button. This is a fully responsive interaction and requires a bit of custom code to implement. To get this to work copy the section-end-cta and copy the code found in the closing body tag on the homepage.
Here's a nice hover over interaction for a product card for your Webflow site. Upon hover over of the card the text fades behind the card and the image/product is grown on top of the text.
Another unique button animation for Webflow. When a user hovers over the button the text color changes and the arrow icon animates via native Webflow interactions.
A fun and unique way of adding scroll interactions to your Webflow site. It is slightly difficult to edit the contents of the slides, however you could make these CMS items to make it easier to edit the content within each slide.
A popup that shows you the scroll page percent and location of your vertical height on a site.
Add a custom cursor of your choosing to your Webflow site. This allows you to add a custom cursor and you don't need to add interactions to each link in your site as well as the hover effect when the cursor moves off the page.
Here's a well designed checkbox with an interaction animation. A perfect way of adding a unique checkbox design to your Webflow sites with a fading animation.
Here's a way to showcase several different slides transitioning per click. This is achieved via micro interactions for the previous and next buttons. The interaction for the arrows was created in After Effects and custom code was utilized to trigger multiple slide changes at once.
Here's a way to add a background image change on link hover to Webflow. Using a simple trick to change the background image on mouse hover dynamic items list. This is all done with native Webflow capabilities without any scripts.
An amazing, sweeping slider interaction perfect for any Webflow site. The interactions have a custom scroll indicator, automatically transitions slides and provides a unique sweeping transition between slides. Perfect for a hero or landing page in Webflow.
Four unique methods for creating 3D elements in Webflow natively without using any type of code. No custom code or lottie animations were used and all of this was accomplished naturally via Webflow interactions.
Another cloneable pricing component created by Flowbase. This version includes tabs for three different variations of pricing.
Here's an advanced reveal image on hover interaction tied to Webflow's native CMS system. This is 100% Webflow native CMS powered using a little bit of jQuery. It's fully responsive with fluid responsiveness based on Finsweet client-first framework. The interaction is used to showcase a preview image from the portfolio CMS, but can be used in a number of different ways. For example you could set it as a values section, gallery section and much more. Be sure to copy the section-portfolio and global styles symbol as well as the global elements symbol. Copy the code in the before body tag and you are all set.
Here's a way to create a sticky tabs section on scroll in Webflow. When users scroll down the page each tab is then stuck to a section. Perfect for adding a dynamic effect to Webflow tabs on your Webflow site.
Here's a way to add zoom in images on click via a native Webflow interaction. Custom code is involved to disable/enable the body scroll only. Be sure to copy the custom code for the body scroll toggle on modal pop up. This is perfect for showcasing a product where zoom-in is required to view the close up details of that product. The interaction works only for desktop and on mobile it will only be normal image without the zoom in effect.
Using a combination of lottie, svg and Webflow interactions you can add this head that follows the cursor and mouse on your site.
A simple to do list app built in Webflow. The todo list app saves the list status to your browsers local storage. Be sure to add the global styles symbols, the custom head tag as well as the custom JS code added to the body sections.
How about a 3D interactive iPad mockup in Webflow? Here's a way to add an interactive, 3D iPad mockup to your site.
A unique CMS page scroll interaction trigger effect created with Webflow's native interactions. As a user scrolls down the page an image of a person is displayed based on the location of the viewport. This was created using Webflow's native interactions and zero custom code. This Webflow CMS scroll interaction utilizes Webflow's when scrolled into view and scrolled out of view functionality. As the page is scrolled the items opacity, text color and BG color changes and as the item is scrolled out of view it is also manipulated to show the next time. A simple yet effective strategy of implementing a unique page scroll interaction via Webflow's native interactions.
A unique gradient glowing text effect for Webflow with unique hover interactions. Playing with backdrop filters, SVG clip path, and linear gradients you can now add a unique glowing text effect to your Webflow projects. Just hover over the image to reveal the animation. Be sure to add the custom HTML embed found on the cloneable to ensure that this works properly.
Here's a unique, 3D mouse interaction in Webflow. In this example a 3D box spins based on the mouse within the viewport of the Webflow site. It's a simple 3D box that rotates around the center of the viewport as the mouse is moved around.
A unique parallax style section that features dynamic scroll interactions for Webflow. As you scroll down an image and background sections move at different speeds providing a unique Parallax style effect. There's also multiple different images that appear when hovering over the links on the side. All of this is built with Webflow's native interactions and no custom code.
Three amazingly designed call to action section scroll interactions created in Webflow. These call to actions are perfect for the bottom of your Webflow sites to create eye popping dynamic elements that draw the users attention.
A custom slider for multiple images per slide. This allows you to maximize the number of images, or items for each individual slide. Each slide has a transition preview effect and a fanning out animation upon the transition.
A fun way to have an animated, cursor following dog animation on Webflow. This is driven fully by div elements and a bit of CSS and JS to make the magic happen.
A fun demonstration of what's possible using Webflow interactions and animations. When a user scrolls down the page the numbers continue to count up or count down on scroll up. This utilizes a number of native Webflow interactions and animations including 3D transforms, some math and a round text effect with absolutely no code. Scroll to the bottom to view the full interaction and the last animation effect.
A linkable hero overlay for your Webflow site that grows as the user hovers over the different split sections. Perfect for a modern hero section, pre-landing page, and other similar sections on your Webflow site.
A unique demonstration of the capabilities of Webflow interactions to create an animated solar system. This demonstration utilizes primarily Webflow's native interactions and rather simple interactions to demonstrate the rotation of the planets in our solar system. What seems like a rather confusing and extensive site is built using Webflow's native interactions and simple timed rotating interactions.
Here's a way to utilize Webflow's native CMS system to power tabs on your Webflow site. This is perfect for designers who want to allow their clients to edit/update their Webflow sites within the CMS system, rather than the designer. All interactions are built with Webflow's native CMS system and interactions.
Here's a way to add a contact form popup modal to your Webflow site. Perfect for quotes, advanced contact forms and more via a pop up modal overlay. This contact form overlay includes custom open/close interactions, form inputs, submit button and shadows.
A free cloneable fashion site hero section, perfect for a website or portfolio section. This was inspired by a Dribble and to test out the authors expertise in Webflow. Initially starting the design in Figma, and then translating it to Webflow. For the interactions the author utilized Class Adder via Finsweet and for the text animations utilized a javascript library provided by Timothy Ricks.
A perfect way of adding login and pop up modals to your Webflow site. These sign up and log in modal windows are well designed with custom form inputs, buttons and open/close interactions.
An expanding side menu that opens up on the right side of the page on click in Webflow. A fully designed with interactions menu/navigation bar that opens on the right side of your Webflow site.
Here's a highlight effect on text hover animation for Webflow. When a user hovers over text a highlight style animation interaction is displayed. This is perfect for a menu or other type of text with a unique underline animation on hover. Each menu item has a title and phrase. An underline appears under the title and the phrase at the same time and scales back on hover out. The phrase also moves a bit to the right on hover.
Here's a way of using CSS grid and a small amount of custom code to create a postage-stamp style layout for projects tied into Webflow CMS. A great way to add a custom grid design in Webflow hooked to Webflow's native CMS.
Here's a demonstration of a frosted glassmorphism card with hover and mouse interactions. An easy way to add a glassmorphic effect to your Webflow site.
Here's a technique to add a image based grid to the background of your Webflow site that follows the mouse cursor on the page. A fun technique to adding a dynamic and layered effect with a bit of mouse cursor interaction.
A unique and well designed Webflow CMS slider created via Slick.js. This slider is driven by Webflow's native CMS and allows unique effects not offered by Webflow's native slider. In this example the slider is draggable, provides unique transition effects that zoom on each primary slide, and displays 3 slides at a time.
Five different variations of an image appearing when hovering over a link, or item. In the first example when a user hovers over the item the image stays in line with the text although slightly follows the users mouse. In the second version the image follows but at a different section and with a different image dimension. In the third example the entire div has an image appear from the bottom and changes the background of the item. The following demonstrations changes the entire background of the page to an image. This demonstration and cloneable was built entirely from Webflow interactions and doesn't use any extra custom code or HTML embeds. These examples rely on the Mouse move over element for the triggers.
Here is a wonderfully designed blog card animation on hover in Webflow. When a user hovers over the card the image rotates, a color overlay appears, and the date of the blog post appears. The summary panel below also moves up. When hover over the read more button the background and text changes color. The way this was achieved was by adding all the elements and then animated via interactions. for the image it was placed inside of an image wrapper and set the overflow of the wrapper to hidden. The width and height of the image changes to 150% so that when it rotates it is still visible inside of the wrapper.
A full page kinetic slider for Webflow. When a user hovers over the slides the images the images morph and act kinetic.
A unique 404 page design for Webflow. When a user visits the 404 page the mouse cursor creates a spotlight effect that displays an apology with 100 different languages.
Here's a way to create a zoom in on click technique in Webflow. If you need to magnify an image on your Webflow site this cloneable is perfect for you.
A beautifully designed pricing page for recurring services in Webflow. The pricing page template has monthly and annual toggle interactions, additional perks/plans/discounts information, an accordion FAQ, footer and navbar.
A unique interaction that features a hover over animation for images that creates a swirling effect as well as an animated button overlay. The interaction can be used for blog cards or any other type of card or element which links to another page.
Here's a technique to add an infinite spinning record image to your Webflow site. Perfect for a music site, DJ, or media style site. This method could also be used for a variety of other interpretations.
Three individual animated buttons with hover interactions, which changes color, scale and rotates. On hover the svg mask changes its color via a button color background.
A demonstration of using Sketch.js for a background interaction within Webflow. Using sketch.js the background of your Webflow site becomes a drawing canvas in which users can move their mouse and it creates a design on the background of the Webflow site.
Here's a fun card interaction in which the cursor acts like a peeling of a label on a Webflow card. Perfect interactions to add a new layer of dynamic flair to your otherwise boring Webflow cards.